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Fix for : Excel ran out of resources


Article written on October 14, 2022.


An Excel file may trigger a blocking Excel ran out of resources error message at any moment for a particular reason, and when it occurs the file can no longer be used.

The blocking Excel ran out of resources error message

Why this error message occurs is whenever Excel makes gigantic memory allocations thinking that they will be useful during calculations. In other words, using whole columns and whole rows in formulas contributes to the problem.

What can be done short of starting fresh with a blank Excel file is to reduce if not remove completely any use of whole columns and whole rows in formulas. This is what the style reduction tool does, specifically, and doing so it eliminates the need for the user to find him/herself such occurences in formulas, a task which may be daunting.

The style reduction tool does this for the user by just cliking the Fix button.

The amount of Slow calculations evaluated in the style reduction tool serves as a trigger to know if this is going to be effective in order to fix the problem :

Evaluating the amount of slow calculations

Here is a sample video that describes such case :

(This video can be watched fullscreen)


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